In december 2017 MF Produktion in Tierp was re-certified to the new ISO standards. Now both production units, MF Produktion AB and MF Precision Production (Shenzhen) Ltd, are certified to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
Articles posted by alexander
MF Produktion – Capacity and Technical development
During the last 3 years MF Produktion has invested 54MSEK into machines and technical equipment to the production. In 2017 23MSEK was spent on 5-axis milling machines, multipurpose lathe and measuring equipment. The vast majority of the investments has been in our Chinese factory. Together with that we have spent many hours in training of our coworkers in producing the high precision components requested by our customers.
Employee – Anniversary
In the spring of 2018 six empoyees that have been within the company for 25 years were celebrated with dinner and an anniversary gift. MF Produktion is happy and thankful to have this experience and competence within the company.